Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Pastor of Hannaford

    One of my favorite things to do is brag on how God chooses to use my husband.  Phil is the kind of guy who will figure out what God has for him at any given time, and seek out opportunities to be used by Him. 
    Four years ago, while I was pregnant with our first child, Phil found himself in need of a job.  He had just finished his time as Principal of a Christian School, and we had no idea what the next step was for us.  That, I might add, is not a great feeling when you are six months pregnant!
    Phil walked into our neighborhood grocery store, Hannaford, thinking that he would stalk shelves, or something just to pay the bills for the time being.  As he sat in the interview the Human Relations Manager who interviewed him said, "Hey, I'm getting done, and I think that my job would be a good fit for you." 
     "Great!" said my husband, and walked out of the store with a salaried manager position.
    After a few months with the company, the same position opened in a store a half an hour away from Phil's parents in Central Maine.  We jumped at the opportunity to live closer to them.  Phil's mom had battled stage four ovarian cancer, and we were confident that we should move closer to them to be more of a help if needed.  We also wanted our children to get to spend as much time with her as possible.  And frankly, my husband loves Central Maine!  It was all working together beautifully.
    Upon moving to Maine, God provided a wonderful local church for us to attend and join.  We immediately felt at home there, and loved.  It was such a great fit.  We quickly began building relationships with people who are now some of our dearest friends, and family really.
    Phil's job at Hannaford involves building relationships with all the associates.  He is very good at what he does.  His position is, at times, to be a liaison between the associates and the management.  The associates need to feel comfortable sharing issues with him. 
    If you know my husband, you know that his faith is a very active part of his life.  His love for Christ is very evident.  It wasn't long before the associates started calling him the "Pastor of Hannaford".  I laughed when I first heard it, and thought, "How appropriate!"
    Phil isn't the kind of guy who will shove the Bible down your throat.  But he is the kind of guy who lives his life in such a way that people notice that he is different, and they want what he has.  He genuinely cares about people, and it shows.  He is an all-around nice guy.
    Some days it is difficult for me that Phil is not in "vocational ministry" right now.  He is so good at ministering to people that I think he should do it full time!  But then I remember something my father-in-law always used to say: "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have."
    These last two years have been very difficult for our family.  It has been a blessing to see how God uses Phil's consistent testimony to reach some of the associates.  This is what God has asked Phil to do right now, and I am very thankful that Phil is faithful where he is.  He is quick to share the love of Christ with those he meets.  And in turn, God has gotten hold of some of their hearts. 
    Will Phil always be at Hannaford?  I have no idea.  But he will be there as long as God has him there, and not a day less.  How I praise the Lord for a faithful husband who is sensitive to the hand of God in his life!  I love you, Philip Thomas!

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